Saturday, September 30, 2017

Blue Fairy Photoshoot

Me: You can't upload 25 pictures of yourself in a homemade fairy costume.
Also me: Why not?
Me: Because people don't just do that! It's WEIRD and it comes off in a bad way!
Also me: but I wanna
Me: Don't y-

Well, the id has spoken. Here are a bunch of photos in semi-alphabetic order by photographer. Thank you so much to everyone involved in this shoot, it was a nerve wracking experience but I'm so glad I didn't chicken out. Please enjoy the pictures, and if you're interested in making any of the pieces from this costume. I have tutorials on how to make the butterfly hair clips, spiked headdress, criss cross body chain, and wings. I also have a video documenting the rather tumultuous process of making the dress, not exactly an informative tutorial, but educational in other ways.     

Costume Design/Makeup/Model: Me
Hair: Hailee Simonsen
Shoot Organizer: Tawny Horton
Photographers as follows:

Joann Vivian Mclsaac Meyers

 Did I nearly step on my own hair while trying to stand up from this pose? Yes, yes I did.

 Mike Christopher

I really went out on a limb for this shot! Dumb puns aside, I was literally standing on a branch bridging a very cold very muddy river. If my foot looks a little tense its because I really didn't want to fall in and get the costume filthy. Muddy perils aside, I think rather tall in this photo, definitely taller than 5'2" so I'm pleased.   

 Rebecca Dahl

I shot with Rebecca and Steve at the same time and I have to commend them for showing a saintly level of patience with me. From tiptoeing barefoot over pine needles and rocks, to trying to figure out what the heck to do with my arms. They were ceaselessly encouraging, and never made me feel bad for not having a clue what I was doing. Speaking from my limited experience: modeling is hard, and I need all the encouragement I can get.

 Robert Fletcher

~fairy flailing~

Steve Berlin

One of the only photos that captured the blue-ness of my highlighter! Fun fact: I totally used this photoshoot as an excuse to go out and get blue duochrome highlighter. Looks blue in person, not so much in most photos and video, still wear it though.  

This shot breaks my heart a little. I love so many of the elements, the river in the background, the way the tree's roots overlap and intertwine, the composition and palette, I think my left leg looks pretty good, BUT THOSE GOSH DARN BUTTERFLIES ARE UPSIDE DOWN!!! It drives me a little crazy. The darn things just would not stay in my hair, and because we were shooting in the woods I didn't really have a big mirror to check if I was clipping them back in the right way up. Its one of those things where theres no way of knowing how noticeable it is the another person looking at the photo, but its SUPER noticeable to me.

Val Judy

 I love the rich saturated colors in contrast with deep inky shadows in Val's shots, they remind me of a renaissance painting.  

 Valerie Jones Christiansen

 Zhon Johansen

I borrowed a pair of my mothers shoes because I had nothing that matched the rest of the costume, and I wore them for about 17 minutes before throwing them off to go climb on a tree limb. In the end they only ended up in a couple of the shots and I spent the rest of the time running around barefoot in the woods.

1 comment:

Amethyst Fairy Ensemble